Thursday, April 16, 2009

My story continued....

So this is the remainder of the story....please again tell me some helpful comments!!! (Cause its worth 10% of my final mark)


Why did I have to lie? I have never done this before. Why me? Why now?

“You want me to stay home with you? Or are you okay?”

No she can’t stay home with me. I don’t want her to be here when it happens. I love her too much. She has to go.

“I’m fine, you can just go by yourself.”

She has to go. I can end this…somehow.

“Okay, I love you.”

Maybe I should go, if I don’t then everyone will say he felt too guilty to go and couldn’t bear the sight of the family’s son whom he had murdered. I have to go…but I can’t. I don’t have any friends anyways. No one has talked to me since the accident and no one ever will again. All they have given me is the cold stare or just said that I’m loser, or that I should just kill myself…no one likes me and no one ever will again. I’m down here again for the second time this week. There it is! He is going to regret leaving his possessions here. I have to get this over with before mom gets home…dad won’t care if I’m gone, he’s off with his new girlfriend all the time anyways, he doesn’t spend anytime with us, so its not like he’ll miss me. It’s colder than I remember. Maybe I should write mom a note telling her how much I love her and that I’m really sorry for what is going to happen. She may need it, because she is going to cry. Maybe she is going through the same type of trial as I am. What’s that noise? Is it Mom? She’s home already? I can’t write a note anymore I need to finish this, I need to end this. Mom, I’m sorry, I love you, I love you. Goodbye.


  1. that made me tear up :(
    its really good, chris! i dont think i'd change any of it.

  2. :'(

    ditto to what the other person said.
