Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So being sick isn't all its cut out to be. I mean like maybe you can have a day off school or work but other than that getting a cold sucks...I mean when I get a cold it really sucks. For one thing I can't see through my eyes because my eyes get all watery and my nose runs like a water fountain...Maybe I will get better tommorow..or at least I hope casue im pretty much finished with being sick and I want to enjoy the rest of the March Break!!! (My last March break!!! EVER!!!)


  1. P.S. You spelled awesome wrong in your reactions thing.
    from, grammar girl

  2. hope you feel better soon...
    get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids and take your vitamins :)

    nurse irene

  3. Welcome to blogger world! Thanks for inviting me to read it.

  4. dang, you just made me realize that this IS the last march break ever....

  5. darnit. I have a cold right now too. hahaha, maybe these doritos aren't helping things tho.. lol
